Event driven promotions
To launch our new brand campaign in French market, we initiated an integrated campaign anchoring on Chinese New Year covering a feature story in the renowned programme “C à vous” on French 5 TV; broadcasting HKTB’s four brand videos on digital channels; generating stories on social media; and organising a Hong Kong trade mission to France.
Leveraging the first-ever participation by a French team, which was composed of breast cancer survivors, we used the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival as a sporty anchor to promote Hong Kong’s culture and local food in French media. A press trip of female journalists from influential print, digital and social media channels was organised to explore the unique living style and gourmet in Tai O.
Publicity value generated by the integrated promotion of the new brand campaign: HK$10 million
Publicity value generated by Dragon Boat Carnival press trip: over HK$6 million