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Moon Fest Lumiere

This Mid-Autumn Festival, Lee Tung Avenue is lighting up with its signature Moon Fest Lumiere event, featuring over 800 traditional Chinese lanterns and exquisite fish-shaped lanterns crafted by a master Chinese lantern maker. Symbolising peace and prosperity, the enchanting scene of fish swimming amidst a sea of lanterns celebrates the rich tradition of Chinese craftmanship. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, don’t miss the legendary LED Fire Dragon Fiesta, where an 18-metre-long LED fire dragon will parade through the tree-lined avenue, blessing the crowds with its dazzling display.

Photo | © Lee Tung Avenue

Thông tin chi tiết về sự kiện


31 August – 15 October 2024

Thời gian

10am to 11pm (Lighting-up Time: 5pm)
*The hours will be extended to midnight on 17 September and on every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and public holiday.

Địa điểm

Lee Tung Avenue, 200 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island

(Các) Danh mục


Vào cửa

Free Admission

Câu hỏi

phone-handset +852 3791 2304

phone-handset +852 3791 2304

Ban tổ chức

Lee Tung Avenue Management Co Ltd

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