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Tôi xin lỗi. Tôi không hiểu.

Galloping Horses in the Sky - Drone Spectacular

To mark the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, a drone show will feature various scenes that highlight local Hong Kong characteristics and commemorate this significant milestone. It will also integrate the artwork of Xu Beihong, dynamically displaying his paintings in the sky above Victoria Harbour. Stay tuned for more details.

Thông tin chi tiết về sự kiện


28 September 2024

Thời gian


Địa điểm

Wan Chai waterfront (Area along Wan Chai Ferry Pier and HarbourChill)

(Các) Danh mục

Festivals, Entertainment, Music performances

Câu hỏi

phone-handset +852 2508 1234

phone-handset +852 2508 1234

Ban tổ chức

Hong Kong Tourism Board

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