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St Joseph’s Chapel

Recognised with a 2005 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Award of Merit for Cultural Heritage Conservation

Built in 1890, St Joseph’s Chapel was erected in Romanesque style by visiting missionaries who developed a strong relationship with the Hakka Chan clan. Before the turn of the century, the Hakka people had largely converted to Catholicism under the influence of the Roman Catholic priest Joseph Freinademetz. Some years later, the entire village was baptised in a ceremony. The chapel was dedicated to the island’s patron saint, and has since been named a UNESCO-listed heritage building, standing as a physical reminder of the impact St Joseph made on the villagers.




Yim Tin Tsai Village, Sai Kung, New Territories


phone-handset   +852 2791 6226

phone-handset   +852 2791 6226

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  • Yim Tin Tsai Village, Sai Kung, New Territories
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