• Increase of duty-free allowance for luggage articles brought into the Mainland by Mainland residents travelling from Hong Kong is now in effect. Click here for details. 

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13th International Chinese Costume Festival & 15th Confucius Carnival

The 13th International Chinese Costume Festival & 15th Confucius Carnival is a well-established cultural event with over a decade of history, showcasing a range of captivating Chinese cultural and artistic performances, including a traditional Chinese costume parade. The event also features free game booths and offers visitors the chance to try on traditional Chinese costumes and take photos along the scenic Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade.

Event details


12–13 October 2024


11am to 7pm


Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza Area A, B and C




Free Admission


phone-handset +852 6909 7039

phone-handset +852 6909 7039


FUZI Chamber

Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance Special Reminder

  • Crowd-management measures are now in place
  • Please follow on-site instructions and allow extra time to enter the event area

Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance Special Reminder

  • Crowd-management measures are now in place
  • Please consider heading to Victoria Park to watch the live broadcast

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