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Latest travel advisories for Hong Kong

We have enhanced precautionary measures given the latest situation of the novel coronavirus. Before your visit, please make yourself aware of the following measures:


1. Access control and quarantine requirements

Currently, there are three access control points providing regular services. All non-Hong Kong residents coming from overseas countries and regions by plane will be denied entry to Hong Kong. All travellers coming from the Mainland, Macao and Taiwan will be subject to a 14-day compulsory quarantine. To find more information, please see the Hong Kong Government's COVID-19 website.

2. Regulation on group gatherings, catering business and bars

To maintain social distancing, group gatherings in public places currently have temporary restrictions. Temporary measures are also in place for catering business, bars and scheduled premises including places of public entertainment.

3. The opening hours of attractions

Some major attractions including Ocean Park Hong Kong, the Peak Tram, the Ngong Ping 360 cable car serviceMadame Tussauds Hong Kong and sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck have shortened operating hours. Some facilities of the museums under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Antiquities and Monuments Office are temporarily closed until further notice. Before your visit, please check their respective websites.

4. Changes to scheduled events

Some events may be postponed or cancelled. Please check with event organisers for more information.

5. Further travel and health advice

For travel health advice on preventing pneumonia and respiratory tract infection, please visit the Department of Health’s website. Should visitors need assistance, please speak to us via Visitor Hotline: +852 2508 1234 (9am to 9pm) or webchat.

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