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Picasso for Asia: A Conversation

The Special Exhibition ‘Picasso for Asia: A Conversation’ is the first major showcase of Picasso’s works in Hong Kong in over a decade. More than sixty masterpieces by Picasso will be on loan from the Musée national Picasso-Paris. They will be placed in conversation with over eighty pieces from the M+ Collections by more than twenty Asian and Asian-diasporic artists from the early twentieth century to the present.

* This is the opening programme of the French May Arts Festival 2025

Photo | Luis Chan. Cubist Sea Shore, 1959, oil on board. Courtesy of private collection. Acquisition in progress. © Luis Trust. Image courtesy of Hanart TZ Gallery

Détails de l'événement


15 March – 13 July 2025


10am to 6pm, Tuesday to Thursday and Saturday to Sunday;
10am to 10pm, Friday;
Closed on Monday


West Gallery, M+, West Kowloon Cultural District


Museums / Galleries / Public Spaces


Standard: HK$240


Please refer to event website for details


phone-handset +852 2200 0217

phone-handset +852 2200 0217


M+, West Kowloon Cultural District
Musée national Picasso-Paris

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