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Rainbow Organic Strawberry Farm

During the months of December through to April, the North District is awash in fresh strawberries. Locals in the know head to this valley farm to self-pick these luscious beauties. At Rainbow, you’ll be handed a basket and a pair of scissors, and you’re off — just pay by the weight when you are done. Out of season, you can also pick peanuts, cherry tomatoes and corn on Sundays. A great day trip for families, a visit to Rainbow also makes a pleasant finish to a day of hiking.



Hok Tau Road, Tung San Ha Estate, Fanling, New Territories


phone-handset   +852 9302 0258

phone-handset   +852 9302 0258

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  • Hok Tau Road, Tung San Ha Estate, Fanling, New Territories
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