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Het spijt me. Dat heb ik niet begrepen.

Het spijt me. Dat heb ik niet begrepen.


Elysion Place Hotel Causeway Bay

Situated in the heart of the Causeway Bay business and tourism district. Just a short stroll to Victoria Park and close to the city’s renowned tourist attractions and shopping malls. The premium location reveal the perfect balance of comfort and convenience. Shop in style as you can indulge yourself in the city of charm. Discover the beauty of dynamic metropolis and experience the vibrant nightlife. Elysion Place Hotel Causeway Bay (Former Le Petit Rosedale Hotel) encompasses 94 guest rooms & suites, introduces bright, stylish spaces, offering sophisticated technology, complimentary Wi-Fi and broadband internet access. The Elysion Suites on 28/F let you refresh yourself with the captivating city view of Causeway Bay in a privileged setting. The hotel will inspire you with a design of modern simplicity, a comprehensive range of guest room facilities & amenities and thoughtful hotel services. Your perfect journey starts here.

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Accommodatie details


  • Non-smoking rooms
    Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
    Free WiFi
  • Tea & coffee making facilities
    Tea & coffee making facilities


phone-handset +852 31638888

phone-handset +852 31638888


7 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Island

  • Elysion Place Hotel Causeway Bay
Titel van het infovenster

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