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Het spijt me. Dat heb ik niet begrepen.

QTS Scheme retail shops

Thailand Bird's Nest Limited

Foodstuffs - Chinese Health, Health Foods & Tonic Foods

Thailand bird's nest is associated with (Hong Kong Chan Lo Yi Medicine Co Ltd), which has provided the services of wholesale and retail with varieties of high quality of bird's nest, cordyceps, and dry seafood. Since Thailand Bird's Nest Ltd was established in 1990 year, it has 15 years of guarantees and experiences of providing services. Also, products can be returned with 14 days after purchase. Quality Assurance: Thailand Bird's Nest Ltd is Hong Kong Quality bird's nest Merchants Certified (No.1). While we are providing the high quality of products to customers, we have been rewarded the honor of quality assurance from public praise. We tested our high quality of Natural bird's nest and qualified through the inspection of Hong Kong standards and Testing Centre, and has been rewarded the "STC" Tested Mark, it help customers to identify our products quality is in good performance.

Shop details


Shop 12B, G/F, Wing Sing Commercial Centre, 12 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Island


phone-handset 28507351

phone-handset 28507351

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