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The 11th Hong Kong International Music Festival 2024

The 11th Hong Kong International Music Festival 2024 is recognised and endorsed various international music academies and educational institutions. It continues to uphold music as its core focus, fostering cultural exchange and mutual learning culture both locally and internationally.

Details van het evenement


15 – 21 August 2024


Various Times


Opening & Closing Ceremony: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Jockey Club Auditorium
Competition: Lions Clubs International Tseung Chui King College & Kwai Fong Community Hall
Evening Concert: Kwai Fong Community Hall


Festivals, Music performances


Free Admission


Opening & Closing Ceremony: please call 2117 1725 for making a reservation

Competition & Evening Concert: seats are on a first come first served basis


phone-handset +852 2117 1725

phone-handset +852 2117 1725



Grandmster Orchestral Music Society

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