Spreek nu

Spreek nu

Het spijt me. Dat heb ik niet begrepen.

Het spijt me. Dat heb ik niet begrepen.


The Hong Kong Repertory Theatre presents Matthew Cheng’s celebrated masterpiece, Ambiguous. It follows the story of a married man and a married woman, who share an ambiguous and uncertain relationship, leading the audience to reflect on the meaning of matrimony. The world of married couples does not always have to be filled with drama. Snippets of daily life that appear normal and cordial may harbour heinous undercurrents. Will the sparrow that accidentally falls to the ground stay trapped by marriage, or will it embark on an escapade?

Details van het evenement


13–22 September 2024


7:45pm, 13–14, 16, 18–19 & 21 September;
2:45pm, 14–15 & 21–22 September


Hong Kong City Hall Theatre


Stage Productions


Standard: HK$200, $280, $380


Tickets available at URBTIX from 1 August 2024

Buy Tickets Online


phone-handset +852 3103 5900

phone-handset +852 3103 5900


Hong Kong Repertory Theatre

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