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Tai O Heritage Hotel

Tranquilly nestled in the western-most strip of Hong Kong, Tai O Heritage Hotel is housed in the Old Tai O Police Station, built in 1902, capturing the twilight of the South China Sea. The Hotel, awarded by UNESCO in 2013, has nine sea view rooms and a glass-roofed restaurant featuring the indigenous ingredients and food culture of the historic fishing village of Tai O.


Accommodation details

Дополнительные услуги

  • Restaurants
  • Free WiFi
    Free WiFi
  • Tea & coffee making facilities
    Tea & coffee making facilities


phone-handset +852 29858383

phone-handset +852 29858383


Shek Tsai Po Street, Tai O, Lantau Island, Outlying Islands

Просмотр карты
  • Tai O Heritage Hotel
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