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Booth Lodge (The Salvation Army)

The Salvation Army - Booth Lodge was opened in 1985 and operates by the Salvation Army Hong Kong & Macau Command with hotel professionals. The Lodge is centrally located in the Yaumatei District, famous for its shopping; business and entertainment, providing comfortable & value for money accommodation for both business & leisure travelers.

Accommodation details

Дополнительные услуги

  • Airport shuttle bus service
    Airport shuttle bus service
  • Connecting rooms
    Connecting rooms
  • Non-smoking rooms
    Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
    Free WiFi


phone-handset +852 27719266

phone-handset +852 27719266


11 Wing Sing Lane, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon

Просмотр карты
  • Booth Lodge (The Salvation Army)
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