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QTS Scheme restaurant

Wing Lai Yuen Restaurant


Wing Lai Yuen Restaurant serves exclusive Sichuan dishes created by its famous founder, Mr Yeung Din-wu's ancestors were apprentice chefs from of the Qing Dynasty. The restaurant has acquired worldwide fame for its traditional and historical cooking style. Wing Lai Yuen's signature dishes include Handmade Sichuan Dan Dan Noodles, Deep Fried Marinade Duck, Sliced Loin in Spicy Sichuan Sauce and Steamed Wax Gourd with Chicken Soup. Taking a bite of these dishes is like taking a bite of history.

Restaurant details


Shop 102-105, Site 8, Whampoa Gourmet Place, Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom, Kowloon


phone-handset 23206430

phone-handset 23206430

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