• Increase of duty-free allowance for luggage articles brought into the Mainland by Mainland residents travelling from Hong Kong is now in effect. Click here for details.

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QTS Scheme restaurant


Local Hong Kong Style

Since its establishment, Sweet Rice Hotpot has provided fresh seafood at a savings. The business philosophy is to deliver high quality food and service to customers. These two commitments prevails above all else. Thanks to the recognition of customers, we have opened a number of branches in Hong Kong and Macao in just a few years.

Restaurant details


Shop 1, G/F & Cockloft, Gain Yu Building, 96-110 Wharf Road, North Point, Hong Kong Island

phone-handset 28862449

phone-handset 28862449

Shop 23, G/F, Yuccie Square, 38 Yuen Long On Ning Road, Yuen Long, New Territories

phone-handset 28861997

phone-handset 28861997

G/F & Cockloft, 18 Chik Chuen Street, Tai Wai, New Territories

phone-handset 28862884

phone-handset 28862884

Shop A-C, G/F, Sunning Court, 29-39 Shun Ning Road, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon

phone-handset 28862114

phone-handset 28862114

G/F, Hong Yuen Court, 1, 3 & 5 Tak Shing Street, Jordan, Kowloon

phone-handset 28862012

phone-handset 28862012

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