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Các nhà hàng thuộc Hệ thống QTS

nana's green tea


nana’s green tea, a popular Japanese matcha concept cafe, debuted in 2006 in Tokyo. Designed to bring a smile to customers’ faces with its signature green tea and matcha-infused beverages and desserts, alongside udon, donburi, rice dishes and salads. nana's green tea’s artfully curated menu reflects the Japanese spirit of omotenashi, embracing mindfulness and caring hospitality. 

Các nhà hàng thuộc Hệ thống QTS

(Các) địa điểm:

Địa chỉ:
Shop 206 & 207, 2/F, THE SOUTHSIDE, 11 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong Island
Điện thoại:

phone-handset 21170639

phone-handset 21170639

Địa chỉ:
Shop B128 & B129, B1/F, AIRSIDE, 2 Concorde Road, Kai Tak, Kowloon
Điện thoại:

phone-handset 21171309

phone-handset 21171309

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