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HKTDC Food Expo 2024

From 15 to 19 August 2024, the HKTDC Food Expo will bring together a vast selection of food and beverage exhibitors across the globe. Explore an extensive range of international culinary delights and beverages under one roof.

Thông tin chi tiết về sự kiện


15–19 August 2024

Thời gian

10am to 10pm, 15–18 August;
10am to 6pm, 19 August

Địa điểm

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

(Các) Danh mục

Consumer Expos, Food & Drink Events

Vào cửa

Ticket price and ticketing channels will be announced on the event website soon.

Câu hỏi

phone-handset +852 1830 668

phone-handset +852 1830 668

Ban tổ chức

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

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