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Entschuldigung, das habe ich nicht verstanden

Entschuldigung, das habe ich nicht verstanden

A Movable Feast: The Culture of Food and Drink in China

Food culture is a vital component of traditional Chinese heritage, boasting a rich and diverse history. ‘A Movable Feast: The Culture of Food and Drink in China’ takes the audience through a feast that traverses spiritual, cultural and physical spaces. It explores the culinary culture and lifestyle of ancient Chinese people through the evolution of food vessels, eating practices and traditions, presenting approximately 110 exquisite works. These objects, primarily on loan from The Palace Museum, span from the Neolithic period to the Qing dynasty. Additional works on display come from the British Museum, the Cleveland Museum of Art and the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, as well as museums in Hong Kong.

Photo 1–3 | © The Palace Museum
Photo 1 | Lobed cup with dragon-shaped handle, Song dynasty (960–1279)
Photo 2 | ‘A Night Banquet at Peach and Plum Garden’ (detail) by Ding Guanpeng, Qing dynasty (1644–1911)
Photo 3 | Portable box with dragons amid waves, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period (1736–1795)



19 March – 18 June 2025


10am to 6pm, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday;
10am to 8pm, Friday, Saturday & Public Holiday;
Closed on Tuesday (except public holiday)


Gallery 8, Hong Kong Palace Museum


Museums / Galleries / Public Spaces


Gallery 1–8: HK$180 (Flex entry ticket) / HK$150 (Timed entry ticket)


Please refer to event website for details. 


phone-handset +852 2200 0217

phone-handset +852 2200 0217


Hong Kong Palace Museum

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