Chairman’s Message
Tourism is about much more than the fun and enjoyment that a destination has to offer: It is
nowadays a vital element of
the cultural promotion and soft power of a community. This reality was demonstrated in the past year
when Hong Kong’s
tourism industry welcomed new visitors, helped rebuild the economy, and grasped new opportunities,
embracing new
challenges. At the same time, Hong Kong’s unique strengths, advantages and immense appeal were
showcased to the
world through tourism. The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) has an increasingly important role to play
when it comes
to boosting local consumption, spurring economic dynamism, raising Hong Kong’s profile, and
advancing our contribution
in national development strategies.
Three directions to successful tourism development
The Hong Kong Tourism Board has three key objectives that guide its strategies:
Consolidating Hong Kong’s status as an
international city, strengthening Hong Kong’s role as a tourism hub, and pursuing high quality growth to
expand the
contribution of tourism to Hong Kong.
Consolidating Hong Kong’s status as an international city
Strengthening Hong Kong's Role as a Tourism Hub
Hong Kong is not only a leading destination but also a regional tourism hub, which has the
capacity to attract visitors to
stay in our city on their way to and from the Mainland and neighbouring Asian countries and
regions. Hong Kong is able
to capitalise on its unique advantage of “One Country, Two Systems”, which gives Hong Kong the
opportunity to
consolidate its status as an international financial, aviation and trading centre, while
deepening cooperation with cities
within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). By doing this, Hong Kong can play a
pivotal role in the
nation’s development and interactions with the world.
Because of its geography, Hong Kong is ideally placed to serve as a “super-connector” between
cities in the Mainland
and overseas locations. Hong Kong can be reached by plane within five hours from countries and
territories where half
of the world’s population live. Meanwhile, the
extensive increase of high-speed rail services in
both frequency and destinations, as well as the
addition of overnight sleeper train services, have
brought Hong Kong and cities across the Mainland
closer than ever and enhanced the convenience and
speed of intercity travel.
HKTB fully appreciates the great potential these
advantages offer. We are drawing on our global
network and expertise and working in partnership
with other GBA cities to reach out to the world to
showcase the GBA’s tourism appeal to visitor
source markets, and attract visitors to come for
multi-destination journeys.
For Meetings, Incentive Travels, Conventions, and Exhibitions
(MICE) tourism HKTB adopts the strategic positioning of
“Meet Hong Kong, Meet the GBA” and “Meet Hong Kong, Meet
the World” to maximise Hong Kong’s unique position as a
gateway connecting with the businesses of the Mainland and
those from the rest of the world, and creating new business
opportunities. This allows Hong Kong to fully utilise its role as
a “super-connector”, as well as a “super value-adder”.
Pursuing high quality tourism development
HKTB consistently promotes high-quality tourism development. It organises a wide range of events
which enrich tourist
experience, stimulate spending from tourism, and encourage visitors to extend their stays in
town. We have also
collaborated with trade partners to launch a new promotion on hospitality to raise standards and
satisfaction levels for
both visitors and local consumers.
Beyond this, HKTB is committed to exploring potential new tourism source markets, such as the
very promising GCC
(Gulf Cooperation Council) countries in the Middle East, ASEAN, South Asian countries and the
Belt and Road nations.
These initiatives will attract a more diverse range of visitors and drive both the quality and
quantity of tourism growth.
For these efforts to succeed, our
trade partners in the tourism
industry must work hand in hand
with us to launch new and attractive
tourism products in a timely and
strategic manner, responding to
evolving visitor preferences and
travel patterns to further increase
the contribution of tourism to
society and to the economy. HKTB
look forward to continuing our
longstanding partnership with all of
our tourism industry stakeholders to
further strengthen Hong Kong’s
competitiveness and sustainable
Planting the Seeds for Tourism and Economic Growth
I firmly believe that, given our unique advantages of having the Motherland’s strong support
while being a gateway to the
world, the tourism sector will play an increasingly important role in promoting the global image of Hong
Kong as well as of
the whole country, and play in driving economic growth. I hope that the trade continues to be proactive
and flexible in
responding to changing visitor habits and consumption patterns by identifying, and innovating positively
to these
evolutions in the industry, and contributing to the prosperity and growth of Hong Kong and of our