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Dr PANG Yiu-kai, GBS, JP

As Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), Dr Pang Yiu-kai (Y.K. Pang) is responsible for leading the organisation in actively promoting Hong Kong as one of the most exciting and leading travel destinations around the world, to maximise the benefits of tourism for Hong Kong and the Hong Kong community.

Dr Pang has extensive experience in the commercial sector. Currently, he is the Chairman of Hong Kong for Jardine Matheson Limited and Senior Advisor to the Board. Prior to retiring from executive office in March 2024, he was Deputy Managing Director of Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited and Deputy Chairman of Jardine Matheson Limited. He was also chairman of Jardine Pacific, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals, Gammon Construction, Zung Fu, and a director of Jardine Matheson (China) Limited, Hongkong Land and Mandarin Oriental.

Dr Pang is active in public service and in addition to the HKTB, he is the Chairman of the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service, and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), in addition to membership of a number of other government committees. Dr Pang is also engaged in numerous professional bodies, and served as the Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce from 2014 to 2016, Chairman of the Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong from 2011-2018, and the Chairman of the Hong Kong Management Association From 2021-2024.

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