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Hong Kong Flower Show 2025

This year’s Flower Show features Cosmos as its theme flower, with the theme being ’Ablaze with Glory’. The venue bursts with a riotously coloured display of cosmos, showcasing delicately lovely flowers with veil-thin petals that flutter in the light breeze, creating a charming atmosphere. Renowned for their resilience and robustness, cosmos promise to add vibrancy and life to the event. Thanks to the ingenuity of horticulturists, the blooming flowers will undoubtedly bring boundless exuberance to the show. There will also be a delightful variety of educational and recreational activities, along with commercial booths, providing enjoyment for visitors of all ages.

Détails de l'événement


14–23 March 2025


9am to 9pm


Victoria Park, Hong Kong


Museums / Galleries / Public Spaces, Family Friendly


Standard: HK$14;
Other concessionary rate: please refer to event website for details.


Cash, Octopus, Faster Payment System or Mainland China’s Licensed Digital Wallets (Ticketing Booths at the entrances of Showground)


phone-handset +852 2601 8260

phone-handset +852 2601 8260


Leisure and Cultural Services Department

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