• Increase of duty-free allowance for luggage articles brought into the Mainland by Mainland residents travelling from Hong Kong is now in effect. Click here for details.

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Nestled between Hong Kong's bustling commercial hub and the lush oasis of Hong Kong Park stands The Murray, Hong Kong, a former 1960s government building that transformed into a luxury five-star hotel at the hands of British architects Foster + Partners. Known for its unique archways and recessed windows, the hotel features 336 rooms across 26 floors, along with an array of dining options such as rooftop bar and restaurant Popingjays, an up-scale Chinese restaurant MIÁN, and the elegant Garden Lounge serving the hotel’s signature afternoon teas. If you visit between April and May, you’ll also be able to take snaps of the hotel’s pink and white shower trees – the only registered ‘Old and Valuable Tree’ of its kind in Hong Kong. 

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