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Grand Bay View Hotel

Grand Bay View Hotel & Resort is Hong Kong first urban retreat dedicated to revitalizing your personal health and vigor. Break away from the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy tranquility for the mind emerge soothed, refreshed and refreshed and refueled after their stay

With majestic views of the Ting Kau Bridge and stunning sunset vistas, the beautifully appointed hotel and serviced apartment offer 435 spacious studios and suites, and an exciting selection of fitness and lifestyle amenities as well as healthy dining options.

The Grand Bay View Hotel being a resort is proud to offer its guests the only hotel private beach in Hong Kong. Guests can leisurely relax on the waterfront lawn chairs drinking cocktails and taking a swim on its sandy beach whenever wishes or diving into hotel’s famous long in/out swimming pool with the magnificent sea view. The Grand Bay View Hotel offers an outdoor impressive children "AdventureLand" and Playground. The children theme suites each with different decorations and themes will certainly give your children a memorable experience.

At Grand Bay View Hotel & Resort, we understand the need for space and relaxation to enjoy a true respite from today’s stressful urban environment. Ranging from 300 sq.ft. to 550 sq.ft., the studios and suites allow guests to enjoy magnificent sea and mountain views.

Pesan sekarang



  • Accessible rooms
    Accessible rooms
  • Non-smoking rooms
    Non-smoking rooms
  • Restaurants
  • Extra bed
    Extra bed
  • Baby cribs / Infant beds
    Baby cribs / Infant beds
  • Free WiFi
    Free WiFi
  • Swimming pool: Outdoor
    Swimming pool: Outdoor


phone-handset +852 55996527

phone-handset +852 55996527


No. 123 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong, Castle Peak, New Territories

Info Judul Jendela
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Situs web

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