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Celebration of National Day - The Next Generation Chorus Performance

Year 2024 will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding year of the People’s Republic of China. 2,099 drones will take off from the West Kowloon Cultural District, showcasing the country's achievements over the past 75 years through three themes, namely “Standing Up”, “Growing Prosperous”, and “Becoming Strong”. Alongside the drone show, 1,000 students and various youth groups will sing patriotic songs and perform respectively. Besides, Ms. Cally Kwong will sing the patriotic education theme song “Our Home” during the event.

상세 내용


30 September 2024




West Kowloon Cultural District


Festivals, Entertainment, Dance, Music performances


phone-handset +852 3848 4122

phone-handset +852 3848 4122


Tourism Commission

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