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A Path to Glory – Jin Yong’s Centennial Memorial, Sculpted by Ren Zhe | Hong Kong Pop Culture Festival 2024

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr Louis Cha (Jin Yong), the Hong Kong Heritage Museum and Guyu Cultural Development Foundation have invited renowned sculptor Ren Zhe to bring 22 of Jin Yong’s characters to life at this exhibition. The sculptures are infused with visionary creativity, alongside captivating multimedia installations created by artist Victor Wong, to immerse visitors in Jin Yong’s imaginary world of martial arts.

*This programme is a pre-festival programme of the Hong Kong Pop Culture Festival 2024

Event details


16 March – 7 October 2024


Monday, Wednesday to Friday: 10am to 6pm
Saturday, Sunday & public holidays: 10am to 7pm
Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays)


Thematic Gallery 5, Courtyard and Lobby, Hong Kong Heritage Museum


Museums / Galleries / Public Spaces, Festivals


Free Admission


phone-handset +852 2180 8188

phone-handset +852 2180 8188


Leisure and Cultural Services Department

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