

ฉันขอโทษด้วย ที่ฟังไม่เข้าใจ

ฉันขอโทษด้วย ที่ฟังไม่เข้าใจ

The 12th National Games for Persons with Disabilities and The 9th National Special Olympic Games

The National Games for Persons with Disabilities of the People’s Republic of China, featuring Paralympic sports, is the nation’s highest-level multi-sport event for individuals with disabilities, while the National Special Olympic Games encourage participation in sports competitions for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Both events are typically held every four years.

Hong Kong will host four competition events: boccia, wheelchair fencing, para table tennis (TT11) and Special Olympics table tennis. Additionally, Hong Kong will organise one mass participation event of para dance sport.

To celebrate these significant events, the public will have the opportunity to meet two charming mascots based on the Chinese white dolphin, a Grade I National Key Protected Species and a ‘National Treasure of the Sea’. Named Xiyangyang and Lerongrong, these adorable mascots symbolise joy, harmony and unity, promoting inclusivity throughout the games.



8–15 December 2025


Kai Tak Sports Park, Ma On Shan Sports Centre and Tsuen Wan Sports Centre




Various prices (To be announced, please refer to event website)


To be announced, please refer to event website.


National Games Coordination Office (Hong Kong)

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