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Countryside Harvest Festival: Kuk Po ‘Sound-Sight-Taste Fusion’ Tour

The Countryside Harvest Festival features rich eco-adventures, historical architecture and vibrant cultural experiences that create a truly unique and immersive tour. Start the journey at Kuk Po Village in Sha Tau Kok and enjoy ‘Sound-Sight-Taste’ activities that bring this unique village to life.

Thông tin chi tiết về sự kiện


Events: 18–19 & 25–26 January 2025
Exhibition: 18 January – 16 February 2025

Thời gian

Noon to 7pm

Địa điểm

Kuk Po, Sha Tau Kok
*For transportation arrangement, please refer to event website for details

(Các) Danh mục

Museums / Galleries / Public Spaces, Festivals

Vào cửa

Free Admission
Tickets for some experiential activities are distributed on-site, please refer to event website for details.

Câu hỏi

phone-handset +852 3695 0962

phone-handset +852 3695 0962

Ban tổ chức

Countryside Conservation Office

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