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Tôi xin lỗi. Tôi không hiểu.

No reality now | The 53rd Hong Kong Arts Festival

‘No reality now’ is a one-of-a-kind theatre experience combining dance with virtual reality technology. While comfortably seated, reality begins to distort, and with the help of VR technology, you are provided with a dual interpretation of the piece unfolding on stage. Three enigmatic characters take over both ‘realities’ to explore the mystery of life. Audiences will be able to alternate between the live performance on stage and the virtual augmented version, using a VR headset that can be put on or taken off at any time.

* This is part of the 53rd Hong Kong Arts Festival

Photo | © Florian Salabert

Thông tin chi tiết về sự kiện


14–19 March 2025

Thời gian

8:15pm, 14–16 & 18–19 March;
4pm, 16 March

Địa điểm

Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

(Các) Danh mục

Festivals, Stage Productions, Dance

Vào cửa

Standard: HK$380

Bán vé

Tickets available at URBTIX

Mua vé trực tuyến

Câu hỏi

phone-handset +852 2824 2430

phone-handset +852 2824 2430

Ban tổ chức

Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Ltd

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